编者的话】我们曾经在浮针大世界介绍过本文作者Alasdair的几篇文章(链接:浮针走进苏格兰 这个浮针病例特殊,浓浓的苏格兰风味 苏格兰浮针人|这个病例和新冠疫苗有关)。作为对本民族文化深感自豪的苏格兰人,Alasdair平时非常喜欢使用并介绍他们民族的特俗语言(盖尔语),当然,他更喜欢浮针,曾经在剑桥、南京、北京学习过浮针,这些年一直使用浮针治疗他的病患。
FSN on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), March 2024
Early in the springtime of 2023, I was contacted by the Gaelic department of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). They produce a programme called Speak Gaelic (https://speakgaelic.scot/ ), to help people learn to speak one of Scotland’s original languages, Scottish Gaelic. There are different themes in the series and I was contacted to do a demonstration of acupuncture, which for me meant FSN because that is my main treatment mode. First however, a short history of language.
Modern Scotland includes people of diverse heritages, but historically the founding people were primarily the Picts (our earliest known people), the Scots (from Ireland), Anglo-Normans (from England) and the Vikings (mostly from Norway). The Picts and Scots spoke Celtic languages while the Anglo-Normans and Vikings spoke Germanic languages. The Pictish and Viking languages died out but the Gaelic language of the Scots still survives today. A form of English introduced by the Anglo Saxons developed in its own way in Scotland and also still survives. Standard English is a common language to all of us today, but many people in Scotland and throughout the world would like to learn their heritage language of Gaelic, and the programme Speak Gaelic is for them. The programme gives language lessons and then has interviews with fluent speakers, which is why I was contacted.
The programme in which I was involved featured different approaches to medicine. At first the film team were going to visit my clinic, but they thought the treatment rooms were too small for the camera angles, so they decided to visit my home instead. I am fortunate to live in a very scenic part of Scotland, so that may have been important as well.
My section began with meeting the patient, Calum, in front of my house. He asked a few basic questions about Chinese Medicine, and then asked if I could examine his sore shoulder. He had been doing a lot of swimming, for an earlier programme I think, and was quite sore. We then went into my house where I had arranged a temporary treatment area.
As you will see in the film, I muscle tested the shoulder and the supraspinatus was the problem. I tested more widely than what was shown in the short clip. I then followed standard procedure for insertion, swaying movement and for tightening the affected muscle.
Calum was surprised that the needle insertion and manipulation was painless, and he was amazed that his shoulder pain disappeared immediately. When he was moving his arms around he said that he felt far more flexible overall. At the end he did a cartwheel and said that he felt renewed entirely, “...Thanks to you Alasdair”. However, I would like to add that the thanks really belongs to my teachers.
I enjoyed the afternoon of filming and meeting Calum again. I know Calum’s parents and they all visited me many years ago when Calum was very young. It was a pleasure to have the chance to demonstrate FSN to a wide audience to show what it involves and also to show how fast and effective a treatment that it can be. I hope all of you enjoy seeing the film clip and appreciate learning about a part of Scotland’s culture.
2023年初春,英国广播公司(BBC)盖尔语部联系了我。他们制作了一个叫做讲盖尔语的节目(https://speakgaelic.scot/ ),帮助人们学习说苏格兰的一种原始语言——苏格兰盖尔语。这个系列有不同的主题,我被邀请做针灸的演示,对我来说就是FSN,因为这是我的主要治疗方式。首先,我们来看看语言的简短历史。
【发布人:管理员 来自:浮针医学】